Home others Business BUSINESS NEWS-Mombasa Port has received 12 new state of the art reach-stackers...

BUSINESS NEWS-Mombasa Port has received 12 new state of the art reach-stackers and 9 empty container handlers;


– MV UHL Finesse finally completes its momentous voyage to Mombasa port, delivering two crucially important Harbor Mobile Cranes (HMC’s);


In line with equipment modernization and replacement strategy at Kenya Ports Authority (KPA), the Port of Mombasa has received 12 new state of the art reach-stackers and 9 empty container handlers which have been deployed to the yards for use.

Some of the equipments at the ort of Mombasa.Photo by Maarufu Mohamed,golfnewslinks.

According to a press release from the port, the equipment has superior features and is fitted with the latest technology including fire detection and suppression system, load weighing system, graphic color display and automatic fault analysis.

“The equipment also has an Electronic Climate Control ECC, Automatic gear shifting, Safety Override for hydraulic functions and is fitted with Vehicle mounted terminals (VMT) which enables the operator to work without a clerk. Equipment acquisition and modernization remains one of the key strategies the Authority has employed to enhance operational efficiency at port facilities and has been working to retire and replace dilapidated equipment, “said the statement.

Off loading of some of the equipments at the Port of Mombasa.Photo by Maarufu Mohamed,golfnewslinks.

Other than the five ultra-modern Harbor Mobile Cranes received recently, KPA plans to acquire three ship to shore gantry cranes for operations at Lamu port by mid next year as well additional STSs for berth 16 at the Port of Mombasa.

The Authority will also train 121 reach stacker operators with the initial 30 having completed the training.

This is to equip them with the requisite skills to operate the new advanced yard equipment.

At the same time MV UHL ‘Finesse’ has finally completed its momentous voyage to Mombasa port, delivering two crucially important Harbor Mobile Cranes (HMC’s).

As the Heavy lift monster of a ship, on contract from Sturrock Shipping, embarks upon the vast maritime expanse, its course set for the distant shores of Germany, it sails upon a solitary path, with belly empty and embraced by the whispers of the open sea bereft of her hallowed cargo, her crucial lifeline.

Offloaded equipments at the Port of Mombasa.Photo by Maarufu Mohamed,golfnewslinks.

In this solitude, MV UHL ‘Finesse’ dances upon the crests and troughs, an elegant waltz upon the liquid stage, as it charts its course homeward.

And though its journey may be solitary, it sails with the promise of future endeavors, a harbinger of treasures yet to be delivered, destined to grace these maritime realms once more with more cranes for the sisters Lamu and Mombasa Port.

Meanwhile, in Lamu, three cranes have found their new home with two of them stand ready for action, eagerly awaiting their duties, while the third awaits the skilled touch of a team of engineers hailing from the esteemed partnership of KPA and Konecranes.

“These endeavors, dear Fans, are deliberate and align harmoniously with the KPA legendary Equipment Acquisition Plan meticulously crafted by visionary management decades ago. Today, the fruits of their foresight are ripening, breathing life into the timeless aspiration of establishing, a World-Class Seaport of Choice, an illustrious gateway for Africa and beyond. And as we all love winners, our win is for you and Kenya-stay with us on our side as we win more in the future, “said the statement.



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