Home others Business BUSINESS-NEWS-lamu Fishermen to smile to Bank after their final Compensation process launched;

BUSINESS-NEWS-lamu Fishermen to smile to Bank after their final Compensation process launched;


-Key Player “KPA” kicked off the signing of the agreement forms for the final stage of the payment process;
Lamu Fishermen are breathing a sigh of relief after the official launch of fishermen compensation official launch of the signing agreement forms for the final stage of the payment process.

lamu fishermen during the meeting.[Pwani Images].

The process being undertaken by the Chairman Kenya Ports Authority Benjamin Tayari and initiated by “save Lamu” NGO kicked off on Wednesday, 23rd, March, 2023 at the lamu County Commission Office.
“Save Lamu” had taken the matter to court in the year 2012, and the year 2018 judgement was delivered for Lamu fishermen to be compensated with Kshs. 1.76bn.
The final process drew fishermen from different parts of the County confirmed and signed the agreement forms in the presence of “Save Lamu” witnessed and signed by Lawyer Abdul-munim ,County CEC Fisheries officials and KPA and after the whole process is finalized, the fishermen have been assured to receive their compensation within 45 days.

KPA Board Chairman Hon. Benjamin Tayari officially launched the signing of the agreement forms for the final stage of the payment process.
The Chairman assured the 4,734 fisher folks that every qualified person or family in the validated list will be compensated within the existing legal guidelines.
“We are only handling the cash compensation phase which constitutes the 65 percent of the total Sh 1.76 billion cash compensation. Immediately after this phase, I have asked the Task Force to convene and plan for stakeholder consultations and utilization of the set aside 35 percent for sustainability of Lamu County fishing activities,” he said.
Hon. Tayari urged those involved to work round the clock and provide maximum support for successful completion of the exercise for the benefit of the fishing community.

He expressed delight on the progress at the Port of Lamu which received its 19th vessel on Sunday,19th,March,2023 saying soon the Authority will acquire modern ship and cargo handling equipment to ensure the port emerges as the most competitive port of call in the region.
The Chairman announced the Authority’s plans to set aside Sh 50 million in the next financial year for training of the people of Lamu in maritime courses and other key fields that are relevant to maritime and logistics industry.
“With unity of purpose, nothing is difficult. I wish the teams that are going to the field all the success as we look forward to completing the exercise and move to the next phase,” he added.
Addressing the meeting on behalf of Lamu County Commissioner, Lamu West Deputy County Commissioner Mr. Gabriel Kioni thanked the fisher folks for patiently waiting for the compensation process.
“When you receive the cash please invest in profitable economic activities for the benefit of your families,” he said.
The DCC said most importantly the Lamu fisher folks need to embrace the Port of Lamu and support its development saying it’s the only commercial port constructed in post-independent Kenya.
Chief Administrative Secretary (CAS) nominee in the office of the Prime Cabinet Secretary Hon. Ali Sharif Athman, who is also former Lamu East MP and Lamu Deputy Governor Hon. Raphael Munyua equally urged the fisher folks to prudently manage the cash.
The event was attended by a large number of Fisher folks from across the region, many of whom expressed their gratitude to the government for its support.

“It is our hope that upon appending our signatures in the next 45 days everyone will have received their cash,” said Lamu County Beach Management Units (BMU) Chairman Mr. Somo Somo.



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