Home Golf GOLF NEWS-Father of golf champions Wahome braves harsh weather to win at...

GOLF NEWS-Father of golf champions Wahome braves harsh weather to win at Seafront Mombasa Course;

  1. -Green Keeper Githaiga and immediate club captain Odhiambo miss lead narrowly;

-As Club Chairman Munyao urge golfers to register in large numbers for next Saturday’s Kamba some Golf tourney;


It started  off in the morning with a fantastic weather for any  golfer  to play, but  that  changed in the afternoon  and only  the strong ones  survived to continue and complete  their 18 rounds  of play  for the day during the May mug and June Medal  golf tournament played at the par 71 seafront  Mombasa Golf course  over the weekend.

All these conditions did not deter the “father of Golf Champions” Martin Wahome, nick named after his golfing Sons Mathew Wahome now professional and Andrew wahome, one of Kenya’s top Amateurs.

And with  all  the heavy down pour, misty cold weather coupled with strong winds from the nearby Indian Ocean , Wahome playing off handicap 10 proved he was not a joker in the  course and  carded  an excellent 68 nett  to emerge  the overall winner  of the May Mug in the  A division category.

“Yes, the rain was heavy, most of the course watery but I had to use my skills and longtime experience to overcome all the hurdles and play well. The win is good for me and looking forward to more victories, “said Wahome.

The day’s 18 holes event  sponsored by the Club  and friends  saw, the Club’s green keeper  handicap 12 Tirus  Githaiga  on 70 nett  and the Club’s immediate Captain  handicap 12 Lawrence Odhiambo with 76 nett emerge  the runners up and third placed  respectively missing the lead narrowly.

James Gitonga playing off handicap 18 and the current Club Captain carded 70 nett to win the B division category.

Handicap 13 George Thama was the runners up on 72nett and taking the third slot was handicap 18 Jacob Theuri with 73 nett.

The C division was won by  handicap 28 Arbanus Kimenya who had a score of 64 nett ahead of  handicap 19 Justine Ongere  settling for the runners up slot with 67 nett while the Club’s Chairman  Paul  Munyao playing off handicap 20  went home a happy man taking the third  slot after carding 70 nett.

Handicap 29 Maj.Ken  Kimundi   was the division D winner on 71 nett and Martin Wahome re-surfaced again  on the podium taking  the Best gross  prize  with a  seven over par 78 gross while  the  Best guest of the day  was  handicap 23 Peter  Wambari  with a score of 72 nett.

In the Ladies section, the Nyali Golf and Country Club’s Lady Captain  Mary Mariga  playing off handicap 14 extended  her muscles  to teach her colleagues by carding 72 nett to  claim  the  Medal  in the division one category   while  another senior  Lady Golfer  Florence Karimi playing  off handicap 16  settled for the runners u slot  on 83 nett.

Nyali Golf and Country Club lady Captain Mary Mariga.Photo by Maarufu Mohamed,golfnewslinks.

The division two  prize was won by the Club’s  immediate Lady Captain handicap 24 Susan Mwangi who had a score  of 73 nett  after tying on the same score with the Club’s Lady captain  handicap 35 Fiona Mbadi  who was the  runners up.

Handicap 42 Diana Nthiwa on 72 nett was the Division three winner   and   Prisca Jebet playing off handicap 32 won the Best guest prize after carding 71 nett.

Mombasa Golf and Country Club Chairman Paul Munyao.Photo by Maarufu Mohamed,golfnewslinks.

 Club Chairman Paul Munyao  thanked  the golfers for braving  the  day’s harsh weather  conditions to make the day’s event successful  and urged  golfers to turn out in large numbers for the next Saturday’s  kambasome  golf tournament  expected  to attract over 250 golfers Country wide.

The book is now open , kindly register for the tourney  expected  to feature a lot fun , entertainments  with  many sterling prizes lined up for the winners. The course is in excellent condition following the rains and is playing well. Kindly start practicing now because it’s going to be a very challenging tourney,” said Munyao.




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