-The Tourney hosted in honor of former President Mwai Kibaki and played over three days featuring 14 Clubs across the Country also saw Mombasa Golf Club bringing home a Bowl;
It was celebrations and excitement around the Coastal region when Nyali Golf and Country Club’s name was mentioned among the top leaders at the Muthaiga Golf Club gardens in the chilly City of Nairobi over the weekend.
This is after the Club’s team of Golfers from Mombasa County took a three days battle to emerge the overall winner in category two bringing home a Shield during the three days annual Patron’s 2023 Cup Golf tournament.

The team led by the Club’s Chairman Kamami Njorog, Immediate Past Chairman Taib Bajaber and Taufiq Balala that included among others Adel Balala, George Munyao,Omar Lewa, and Fahmy Bajaber collected an accumulative 105.00 points to lead the board.
“We selected the best team for the Nairobi event and they have done us proud as a Club and our County 001 including the entire Coast. And next year God willing, this will be the Club to watch,” said Njoroge and Bajaber.
The team now move to play for Category one in the Trophy section next year was ahead of Kenya Railways Golf team who had a combined score of 63.50 points and taking the third slot was Royal Nairobi Golf team who collected 59.50 points.
The three days tournament that brought together 14 teams across the Country’s Golf Clubs with a total of 168 players was Organized by the Kenya Golf Union (KGU) in honor of late former President Mwai Kibaki an ardent Golfer who served in the Union as a patron in 1978 and Muthaiga Golf Club as an Official.
A total of 168 players representing 14 teams from across the Country took part in the three-day tournament.
It featured four categories that included a Trophy Pool, Shield Pool, Plaque Pool, and Bowl Pool where the overall winner and runners up in each section moves to play in top categories next year.
The tournament honors the late President Mwai Kibaki, the third President of Kenya and an ardent golfer who played an instrumental role in the development of golf across the country.
The event’s defending Champion Muthaiga took advantage of the home course to retain the Trophy in Category one after collecting a combined total of 105.5 points.
Vet Lab Sport Club team with a combined score of 73.50 points was second and Sigona Golf Club team on a total of 29.00 sat third.
In the Third Category for the Plaque, the winner on a combined score of 98.50 was the team from Limuru Country Club, while Golf Park Golf Club on 94 points and Karen Country Club team with 66.00 points were second and third respectively.
This section had four players where the last team was Windsor on collection of 45 points.
The final fourth Category of Bowl award which also had four players was won by the Kiambu Golf Club team who brought a combined score of 108 points, while taking the runners up slot on 85 points was Thika Sports and Mombasa Golf Club team settled for the third slot with a total of 79.50 points.

Taking the fourth slot on 31.50 points was Eldoret Golf Club team.
Muthaiga Golf Club Chairman Kavit Bhakoo said the tournament honors the late former President Mwai Kibaki, who was the Patron of Kenya Golf Union and Muthaiga Golf Club for years.
“We expect more clubs to join in next year because this event not only celebrates his legacy (Kibaki’s) but also underscores our commitment to fostering sportsmanship and camaraderie among golf enthusiasts, “said Bhakoo.